Wrapping up another year

Each year, The Campbell Foundation hands out what we like to call our "holiday hugs." They come in the form of a check to area nonprofits that serve the HIV/AIDS community. We know that the end of the year can be a tough time financially for many nonprofits as they try to stretch out their budgets. These unrestricted "holiday hug" grants can go a long way toward helping these agencies and their clients. This year, we distributed $5,000 grants to ten deserving agencies. Click here to find out who they were.
One of our special end-of-the-year "holiday hug" recipients was Poverello. The Campbell Foundation has provided the nonprofit with a total of $75,000 in unrestricted grants over the years.

As a special thanks, Poverello Center CEO Tom Pietrogallo, presented our Trustee Bill Venuti and Executive Director Ken Rapkin with its Ruby Apple in appreciation for the many years of support.
The Poverello Center provides food, services and basic living essentials to those living with critical and chronic illnesses including HIV, in South Florida.
We Made the List
Funders Concerned About AIDS (FCAA) released its 15th annual Philanthropic Support to Address HIV/AIDS report.
We are pleased to say The Campbell Foundation ranked No. 80 out of 392 nonprofits around the world whose goal is to eradicate HIV/AIDS and to address its social and economic impact. You can read more about it here.
As federal funding for HIV/AIDS programs continues to shrink, it's more important than ever for organizations such as ours to step up to the table. We couldn't do it without your support.
Save the Date
Just a reminder that we are planning our annual fundraising cocktail party for Feb. 25, 2018. We are thrilled that some of you have already said you will attend. Space is limited, so if you have not RSVP'd yet, please consider purchasing your tickets now. You don't want to be left behind. You can purchase them by going to our website.
As with last year's event, this one also will be held at the World AIDS Museum in Fort Lauderdale.
We have several area businesses who have already stepped up to donate items for our silent auction and raffle. Some terrific items will be coming from Total Wine & More, Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino, Whole Foods, J Mark's, Tervis Tumblers and Jason's Deli, but we are still in need of more items.
We also are in need of sponsors. If you can help, or know someone who can, give Executive Director Ken Rapkin a call at 954-493-8822 or email him at ken@campbellfoundation.net. Your donations are tax deductible.